Work Work

Hi People,

I would like to tell you some news…Well in fact, one haha.


I got the job in the Spa, you know where Jamie’s girlfriend works. But, to be honest, I am really happy I got the job!

Today I went in the Spa, to talk to a lady, who is going to be my boss. Gabriel, the lady, told me she wants to hire me so much but there is a problem with the corresponding thingy, so it is not so easy. But she will try to talk to her boss and then she will contact with me. I said okay, and I left.

(Of course, Destiny made a little fun of me today as well. After I left the Spa and I sat into my car I changed the way I wanted to go originally. I don’t know in fact, why I changed the way but I did. And after like 5 senconds who have I met with? Who came across me with his car? YEEAH, Jamie, obviously. Who else?!)

Later, Gabriel wrote me on Facebook, telling me I got the job and I can work from March! I was really happy haha.

And, as I realised I will have money I suddenly went and bought two blouses haha. They were not cheap but I will earn more money soon so, who cares?

Probably I can only work 15 days a months so it’s good because I can work at the pub too and I will have time to study.

Does this Think Positive thingy works? Well right now it seems like. Of course, I won’t say things like everything is going awesome and finally my life is getting better. Noo, but at least it is nice right now, I feel good and that matters! So, guys, as you can see, positivity helps!! Let’s all change our negative thoughts and try to think as positive as we can even in sh*tty situations!

Oh, one more thing, before I finish the post: Allan wrote me on Facebook, asked what’s up with me and how things are going in my life. I was suprised to tell you the truth. But it feels good to know that he still cares – or at least it seems he does – about me.

Last words for today: POSITIVITY !!

Lots of Love,


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