
Hello People,

First of all, sorry for not posting for several days. 

Then.. I am in relationship! With Thomas of course. Since last Friday. Because on Friday we went to buy present for the girl whose party we both were invited. We bought chocholate and champagne for her. Then he wanted to go for a walk with me but the river shore was closed. So finally we ended up at his place. Don’t think of anything bad.. we were watching pictures in his phone then in mine while we were talking. He was such a cutie. 

He kissed me. 

So since the kiss we are together. It feels good to be in a relationship in fact. I missed being hugged and kissed and things. And it’s better with Thomas than it was with Allan. Thomas is so much cuter. 

On Saturday I was working and I was waiting for the evening cuz we were going to the party with Thomas. I went to his place at around 8. We were cuddling and things until half past 9 then we went to the party. 

Which was a disaster. Totally. The girl who had the party got drunk as f*ck and it was sh*tty. We left at around midnight. 

We went back to Thomas’s place. I left his place at 3 am. 

I worked yesterday as well from 10 to 8 pm so we couldn’t meet with Thomas but he came to the restaurant in the evening so we met a little. But the girl who had the party on Saturday was a b*tch because he tries to make Thomas like her all the time even when I am around. Such a b*tch it makes me mad to be honest. But at the same time I should shut up because we all know I flirted with Jamie and other guys who had girlfriends. Okay the girls were not there… I am not jealous at the girl because she is a silly girl and I don’t think Thomas would cheat on me with her but obviously it is annoying. 

So that’s all. I hope Thomas and I will last longer than Allan and I. 

I really like Thomas I love the way he is thinking and talking. He is more mature than my ex or Jamie. So yeah I like him. I hope we will get on well and stay together. 

Keep your fingers crossed for me. 



Unexpected Date

Hey People,

this post is about my life again.

SO. Today I visited my ex workplace. That was fun, Jamie was an egoistic jerk today, but I laughed a lot at him and  I teased him as much as I could. He sent me for lunch for himself and  I was nice enough to get him some food. Other than that, nothing exciting happened there.

The exciting part of my day is coming.

I was talking to Thomas today as well. All day. (Funny fact that Jamie mentioned Thomas today too and he said he knew I didn’t like Thomas. I didn’t react or said anything to him about Thomas. It’s none of his business.)

I had appointment at the hairdresser today at 4. The hairdresser I go to is in the Spa. I went there and  I told Thomas about it. And he told me to visit him in the restaurant. I did, and I happened to had a date. He brought me pancakes  – I told him yesterday that it is my favourite food – we talked a lot and I had fun in fact. He was really really nice. And I felt good in fact. So I had a date haha.

In fact I like this guy. He was nice on Sunday and he is really nice and sweet as we talk on Facebook and this “surprise” with the pancake was sooo cute of him. So yeah I like him.

We will go to a party on Saturday. We both are invited to a girl’s birthday party and today we agreed to go together. So yeah. We will see tho I am really excited about meeting him again. Today we said goodbye with a kiss on the cheeks but I guess it will change next time especially if I drink alcohol….

Byee Little Angles,



Women’s Day

Hey Everyone,

first of all, Happy Women’s Day for every women reader. 🙂

SOOOO. My day was…let’s say interesting..I have a lot of things to talk about, get ready for a longer post.

First of all, now I need to mention a guy I started to talk to, his name is Thomas. He works at the Spa in the restaurant.

It started of course on Sunday, when I worked in the restaurant. He worked on Sunday too. The girl I worked with got on well with Thomas so he was a lot around us. And he talked to me too, and I kind of had the feeling that he likes me. I was kind of sure that he will add me on Facebook in some days. AND I was right, he added me already on Sunday!  And on the next day, he had his nameday so I wrote him a message on Facebook wishing him a happy nameday. And he asked me smth then we started to talk. And I like him. I hope he likes me too. We kept on talking, we talked today as well. But I will see.

Then… yesterday I argued with Allan. As I mentioned we talked. And he said he misses having sex. And as we kept on talking, he told me – in a hidden way of course – that he would like to have sex with me again. But as he said I can’t enjoy life. I told him that the fact that I don’t want to have sex with him doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy life. And then I told him that I am not a toy to f*ck then leave it in the corner. AND HE F*CKING TOLD ME he dooooeeeesn’t wanna have sex with me and don’t get offended. I told him that he went too far and I am not gonna let it happen without a word. And then I didn’t even reply his next message. Now he wrote me ‘happy women’s day’ and I told him thanks but that’s all.

Then..Andrew visited me in the pub today. I was all alone there and I was scared that he will ask me out again, but thanks God, it didn’t happen, he was nice and we were like before he asked me out. And it made me happy in fact.

THEN. Jamie called me today. Wishing me a happy women’s day. And he asked me what’s up with Thomas because he saw that Thomas liked my pic on Facebook. I didn’t really reply for that because I didn’t want to tell him what’s going on. He doesn’t need to know this. Not yet. I told him I argued with Allan. We talked a little, I am sure he still likes me. And I don’t know it was an interesting conversation.

SOO..I think that’s all. SOO many guys OMG hahaha.

Have a nice evening,


Little summary


Sorry for not posting much lately but I am kind of lost lately.

I survived my first day in the restaurant, and in fact it was pretty nice. I met some awesome people, everyone was kind and helpful. I got very tired, and I have muscle strain haha. But other than that it was cool.

The girl I worked together with was one year younger than me. She was really kind but a little silly. She invited me for her bday party next week. I am not sure if I will go or not, I don’t know it yet.

Others were nice too. So yeah I am really relaxed now. Well not totally because I still haven’t met / worked with Angie yet. We won’t have any problem if she doesn’t know my history with Jamie but if she knows…. Well that is a problem then. But I hope she doesn’t know.

I talked to Allan today on Facebook…and it turned out he misses having sex. HAHA!! And then I could realise that if I let him he would f*ck me…Hmmm nice.

BUT! But! It means he kind of knows HE screwed up things between us and he kind of regrets it! HAHA!!!! Well, sorry honey but you lost that chance already.

I haven’t talked to Jamie in the last few days I haven’t even run into him accidentally run into him.

AND! I talked to Andrew’s ex, I mentioned that girl before, we are kind of friends. She told me that Andrew told him he loves her! But Jamie told me Andrew met a girl – who was not the girl I know, the ex – he is with another women, told the ex he loves her PLUS he wanted to meet me too. NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

So yeah these are the things that are going on right now in my life..Well there is one more thing but I am not gonna talk about it yet, sorry. 🙂

Have a nice day,


Keep your fingers crossed

Good evening Everyone,

It’s kinda late now and I am sleepy as hell but at the same time I don’t wanna go to sleep beacause then tomorrow comes faster and I have to go to work and I am pretty scared about it. 

I know it is not a big deal to work in a restaurant but still this will be my first day and I don’t know anyone there. Hopefully I will find someone to talk to and to get help and things but stiiiiiiill.  


Well I expect bad things and hope for the best but this picture is pretty accurate. Not just in this case but in most situations. 

Fortunately, Angie – Jamie’s girlfriend – is not working tomorrow so I am not gonna meet her what makes me really really happy and less stressed. I want to meet her when I have some confidence at working there but not when I don’t even know if I am a girl or a boy haha. I never ever wanna ask for help from that girl no way. 

So yeah, think of me tomorrow – I work from 10 am to 8 pm. 

Have a nice weekend!



Sleepy thoughts


right now I am sitting in a café, listening to music and looking out of the window instead of studying. What I really should do right now but I am just I don’t know I can’t concentrate. 

I am tired as hell, during the night I woke up several times because I had nightmares. Maybe they were not nightmares but they were shitty dreams. Mainly in connection with the Spa work. I will go on sunday and it is easily can be seen that I am really worried about it. 

And my brain is full of with Jamie. I met him yesterday – my dad visited my ex boss and I went with him. And of course I met Jamie. We haven’t really talked, he only asked if I went out with Andrew. I said no because I didn’t and he said okay because Andrew told him that he went out with a girl and Jamie thought it was me. 

Later in the afternoon I went for my sister – she was on maths class – and as I was going out with my car he was right in front of my house, he was repairing a car. (Note: The house in front of ours belongs to the car selling company as well.)

A part of my soul wants to write him or call him and talk to him but my other part knows that its the worse thing I could do so I am not gonna do it. It is just pretty hard right now. 

Gotta go now because my class starts soon. 

Take care guys,


New Accessory 

Hey Guys,

today my new bracelet I ordered finally arrived and it is so so pretty and I really love it.   

I really fell in love with Paul Hewitt jeweleries and I really want to buy more but it is not so cheap – not so expensive but as long as I don’t work occassionally at the Spa I don’t wanna spend so much money on these kind of things. 

Mostly I want to buy a Paul Hewitt watch but I need to save money for it first. 🙂 then maybe other bracelets. I love spending money haha. 

I have several watches I kind of collect them. Once I will make a post to show you all of my watches. 😉

Have a good day little Angles,


How nice

Heyy Everyone,

I have a little time right now so I decided to tell you what is up with me. 

So. Well. Hm. I’m not happy. Kind of annoyed. 


I promised to help Andrew with the web page of my ex workplace. I went there today. I spent my whole morning there. Not because I was doing the web page, I did that quickly, I was just spending my time there. 

I helped Jamie while he was repairing one of the cars. He hmmm well told me that he is getting more attracted to me. Hah!!

Then, just to make it more complicated Andrew asked me out, again!! 

I asked Jamie to help me what to do (I didn’t tell him it was Andrew). But he guessed because he said that he and Andrew talked about me!! And Jamie said that Andrew only wants to go out with me because he wants my (parents’) money!!!!!!! What the hell?!! F*ck you Andrew that hurts!!!!!!!!! Jamie said that Andrew got bored with his exes and I would be cool bc I look good plus I have money so his house can be built.

I could think that Jamie lied but this time I am sure he didn’t because its known hat Andrew likes to spend his actual girlfriend’s money.

He even told Jamie that I am cool because I will fall in love with him so he can use me. Im pretty mad. 

No I am not going into this trap noooo way. I don’t even like Andrew that way I never did. But right now it’s even hard to like him as a friend. Pff…nice. 

What to say about Jamie? Well I don’t know. He is attracted to me. But I knew this. 

Anyway I am glad he told me what Andrew wants. 

OOOO!!! I almost forgot that I was told that yesterday Jamie and Zane almost fought with each other!!!!! Omg!!! Those two !!! They are / were the two most important guys for me at that place and they almost started to fight wow. It is pretty interesting because they didn’t really have a reason to fight. I asked Jamie about it he said he didn’t do anything he just wanted to wait with the thing that Zane wanted to do immediately and Zane suddenly got mad and went to Jamie and even pushed on him but Jamie didn’t start the fight because he can be sent back to jail easily if he does smth bad. 

I dont really understand why Zane did it. I kinda think there were smth more in it than the ‘do this right now no wait a bit’ thingy. I would like to hear it from Zane but he was not there. 

Well well… We will see. 

I was wondering while Jamie told me the story that if I were there which one’s side I would be. Because they both are important for me. But yeah I can in fact reply the question. I love Zane he is a great guy but I am at Jamie’s side. I dont know why I am so connected to him. 

The problem with this that it can be seen that there is smth going on between us. 

I know because someone told me. I said that it is cold and I am cold and he said that tell Jamie to warm you up. I asked why he said it and he said because he has eyes. Cool. 

Ooo and my ex boss told me to go back to work there. I said no tho I would like to go back in fact. I had the best time when I worked there. Well now it would be more difficult because of Andrew and Jamie….

During the Summer there were definitely something between us but now its getting more and more intense. Because he wants me. He doesn’t want to be in relationship with me – or not yet – but he wants me. What makes me pretty satisfied because during the Summer he didn’t want me this much. I would like to know why he wants me more now. I even asked why he told me today he is getting more attracted to me but he didn’t reply. 

Well I think that’s all that happened or I thought that would be interesting. 

I am curious what is going to happen after all. Destiny is working again but I am not giving up. 

Sorry for the long post,



Hey Readers,

hope everyone had a nice week! Let’s say mine was nice as well. But I need to inform you that I will be lost in the following week because I got so so so many homeworks to do and things to learn that it is impossible to learn everything and do everything but I have to try so it means I won’t be able to post much. 

I will try to post some things but I can’t promise to bring a post every day. So forgive me. 

Motivation for today, I can learn and do everything for next Friday with the help of God. I can do this! 

Take care darlings,


All time favourite movie

Hey Lovely Readers,

in this post I’d like to tell you about one of my all time favourite movie.

As I mentioned in one of my posts on the blog, my absolute favourite movie trilogy for all my life is Back To The Future.

But, today I am not gonna talk about this movie, for today I choce my 2nd favourite one.


Titanic. The most beautiful romantic tragedy in the movie history. Almost all women love it and of course we all cry when (spoiler alert, but I guess we all have seen it already) Jack dies at the end.

The 1st time I have seen the movie was on my 13th birthday. It was on tv and me and my sister, Evie started to watch it for the very first time. And, we fell in love. Like totally.

I have seen this movie a hundred times – and I still sit down and watch it whenever it is on TV.

We both became addicted. But like a lot. We watched the movie every week. Then, we started to get to know totally everything about the story. And not the movie but the real sinking of the ship. We learnt everything about it, the details of the ship herself, who made it, who designed it, how many people survived and how many died. So yeah, everything we could know, we knew.

The story itself is really tragic – I mean the real story. Tragic and very fate. Everyone claimed that the Titanic is unsinkable. It was the biggest ship at that time. And every rich person and others too wanted to travel on the unsinkable ship.

And the unsinkable ship sank on it’s first journey. On the very first. That is why it is so tragic. It’s even hard to talk about this tragedy – so many people died because of the thought that it is unsinkable and it doesn’t need much lifeboats. This really makes me upset… There were so many people – and children – who died.

But the movie that James Cameron made is really beautiful. It shows the tragedy itself and the love story between a rich girl and a poor boy. It is so amazing, James Cameron is a legend.

Watch the movie, guys 🙂

Have a nice day folks,
