Song Of The Day

Hey Beautiful People,

for today I chose a song that I really really love and I never get bored with. I have listened to this song like I don’t know, more that 200 times.

This great song is Life After You by Daughtry.

Why this song?

First of all, beacuse I really love this band. I started to listen to them when I was a high school student – and the first song I fell in love with was Life After You.

And next to the beautiful lyrics and the song itself – it has other special meanings for me.

I heard this song at my school – one of the classes were dancing for this song for their prom.

(Note: In Hungary, for the proms, the classes of the senior year perform waltzes.)

I didn’t know what song it was – but one of my classmates, Zoey did know. We had this common thing, we both fell in love with Daughtry in school. Thus, we had a topic to talk about and we were listening to all the Daughtry songs together.

Right now, Zoey is one of my best friends. And without this song we wouldn’t get close to each other and now we wouldn’t be friends.

That is why this song means so much for me. There is another thing, it is kind of connected to my high school crush, but it is more special because my friendship with Zoey started with this song. And this is really important for me.

Listen to the song, and check more songs of the band, I swear you won’t be disappointed!



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